
Educational Resources – Anti-Doping


AthletesCAN is a strong proponent of clean sport. We believe in the rights of our athletes to compete in a doping-free environment that provides a fair and level playing field.   

In 2015, AthletesCAN created an Anti-Doping Advisory Committee (ADAC) to provide direct feedback to CCES and other relevant stakeholders on anti-doping related policies and programs and their application. This committee also supports the AthletesCAN board of directors on matters of anti-doping affecting the AthletesCAN membership that require action.   

The ADAC includes representatives from the following groups in addition to system and subject experts as identified by the group on an ad-hoc basis:  

  • President, AthletesCAN 
  • Chair, Canadian Olympic Committee Athletes’ Commission 
  • Chair, Canadian Paralympic Committee Athletes’ Council 
  • Athlete Representative, CCES 
  • Canadian Athlete Representative(s), WADA Athletes’ Council 

The ADAC meets annually face to face with CCES at the completion of the AthletesCAN Forum.  They provide feedback on anti-doping related matters including existing regulations, proposed changes, disputes, key issues, major Games initiatives, education and risk management; and recommend, as required, amendments or questions regarding any document, policy or protocol related to anti-doping that affects or has the potential to affect Canadian athletes. 

For more information about the ADAC please contact [email protected].

AthletesCAN Submissions  

Tested Positive?

How to respond to a possible anti-doping rule violation

AthletesCAN, with the support of Sport Solution, is pleased to release the resource, I Tested Positive? How to Respond to a Possible Anti-Doping Rule Violation. The resource provides a straightforward guide for athletes should they have an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) asserted against them according to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP).

In recognition that athletes are subject to ongoing anti-doping regulations and testing, AthletesCAN adopted the first edition of this resource in 2011 to provide an independent guide to assist athletes navigate the anti-doping process following a possible ADRV. The focus of this resource, now in its third edition, is to assist athletes in preparing for and taking part in an anti-doping hearing. The resource contents are presented in approximate chronological order to reflect events within the anti-doping process, from notification of an ADRV to completion. Throughout the resource, links and references are made to relevant portions of the CADP, the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code, and other relevant reference documents. The guide includes three appendices which provide definition of terms and links to other resources that may be of assistance to athletes who are navigating the anti-doping process.

The resource has been revised to correspond to the 2021 CADP and 2021 Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code, in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) and the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC), respectively.

Disclaimer: This information is intended as general legal information only and should not form the basis of legal advice or opinion. AthletesCAN makes no warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of the information published here and accepts no responsibility for any consequences arising from a reader’s reliance upon this information. Readers seeking legal advice should consult with a lawyer.