We know there are a lot of terms floating around in the sport world right now – especially with regards to Safe Sport.
To help you understand what people are talking about – we’ve launched a Safe Sport Simplified campaign! Check back here every week as we address a new topic.
To kick us off, the one thing at the core of all the changes happening – The UCCMS.

We’re back this week for Safe Sport Simplified with our next topic – Maltreatment!

This week in Safe Sport Simplified our topic is neglect. Neglect is intentionally not providing care when it is expected.

Sexual Maltreatment
We’re back this week for Safe Sport Simplified with our next topic – Sexual Maltreatment.

This week in Safe Sport Simplified our topic is Grooming.

This week in Safe Sport Simplified our topic is Discrimination. Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as gender, race, age, or sexual orientation.

Power Imbalance
This week in Safe Sport Simplified our topic is Power Imbalance. Power Imbalance is an environment, relationship, or interaction where one party has far more social power than the other.

This week in Safe Sport Simplified our topic is Retaliation. Retaliation is any action or treatment that harms someone in response to an actual or perceived harm.

Our Safe Sport Simplified series is concluding, but keeping sport free from harassment, discrimination, and abuse is an ongoing process. If you have encountered any of the situations described in the series, the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner exists to provide help, support and resources. Everyone plays a role in maintaining a safe sporting environment.