
Board Of Directors Election launched ahead of 2023 AthletesCAN AGM

AthletesCAN 2023-24 Board of Directors Nominees

TORONTO – AthletesCAN, the association of Canada’s national team athletes, is pleased to launch the election period for the 2023-24 Board of Directors

The election period will run from Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 9 a.m. ET – Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET. All members of AthletesCAN as of 5 p.m. ET on Friday, October 20, 2023 are eligible to vote for up to four (4) candidates.

The newly-elected directors will be announced at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 8, 2023

2023-24 AthletesCAN Board of Directors Candidates

Colin Hodgson

Colin Hodgson (He/Him)

Sport: Curling
Retired Athlete (Less than eight years)

Current Sport System Roles

AthletesCAN Forum Committee
AthletesCAN Diversity and Equity Committee
Classroom Champions Diversity & Equity Committee

Why do you wish to run for the AthletesCAN Board of Directors?

I was introduced to AthletesCAN through the Sport Solution program when I needed help as an athlete. The help I received from the program and the organization helped me find my voice as an athlete and advocate for others. I volunteered to join the Forum and Diversity & Equity Committee my first year, while I transition out of sport with my recent retirement. I found a community and place where I can help others and stay in touch with sport, helping the future of sport become a better place.

What is your vision for AthletesCAN?

I believe AthletesCAN is a tremendous resource for athletes in the Canadian sport system. From my experience, not enough athletes know what their rights are and the resources that are behind them not only from AthletesCAN but from other organizations and the Government of Canada. My vision is for AthletesCAN to be the vehicle for connecting the athlete with all of these resources offered and be a collective voice at the forefront in Canada for meaningful change. Most importantly, to improve communication between the stakeholders and athletes so that there is an environment for growth and understanding between all parties.

What specific and/or special skills do you have to offer AthletesCAN and its members?

  • Extensive management experience from running stadium kitchen operations and golf course/curling clubs to working with provincial, national and international sporting organizations.
  • Well-travelled and immersed within different cultures working with athletes from many different backgrounds and home countries as well as a member of the Indigenous community.
  • A compassionate outlook for others.
  • A unique understanding of how National Sport Organizations interact with athletes, corporate partners and international governing bodies. Troubleshooting the issues that may arise from various vantage points of all stakeholders.
  • Experience in athlete abuse within the Canadian sport system as a former athlete going through complaint processes and following through the system.
  • A positive outlook on the future and optimism that everyone can make a difference once empowered

Discuss your relevant athlete or volunteer experience

  • Current volunteer firefighter for the Municipality of Red Lake, Ontario
  • Helped develop the Alberta Junior Curling Tour in 2011. Currently still operating.
  • Kidsport Ambassador – Winnipeg, Manitoba 2018-2021. Fundraised to establish a new Chapter in the community I grew up in, Central Alberta. Currently still operating.
  • Sportsnet Grand Slam of Curling Junior Stars Athlete Mentor 2017-2022.
  • Curling Canada For the Love of Curling Scholarship Selection Committee Member – 2020, 2021.

What are your current volunteer commitments?

  • Volunteer Firefighter – Red Lake, Ontario
  • Classroom Champions Athlete Mentor
  • Classroom Champions Diversity & Equity Committee
  • Member AthletesCAN Diversity & Equity Committee
  • Member Volunteer Coach – Red Lake District High School

Discuss your relevant business leadership / management experience

As a business owner and marketer for over a decade, I have worked with and supported athletes within Canada and all over the world in developing new and more durable products which make the athlete look and feel comfortable on the international stage. We have developed safety equipment with experts from the University of Manitoba with the goal of bringing new people to our sport in a safe and comfortable manner. Over this period of time I’ve sponsored my teammates, colleagues and competitors in over 30 different countries internationally and multiple countries at Olympic and Paralympic Games. I have worked directly with many National Sport Organizations internationally such as Canada, Sweden, Japan, Germany, South Korea, China.

Erin Willson (She/Her)

Sport: Artistic Swimming
Retired Athlete (More than eight years)

Current Sport System Roles

AthletesCAN President

Why do you wish to run for the AthletesCAN Board of Directors?

It has been such an honour to be part of the AthletesCAN Board for the past three years. I believe there is so much potential for AthletesCAN to be a continued leader in representing and fight for the rights of Canadian athletes. I would love to continue to be part of the change and represent athletes whose voices need to be heard.

What is your vision for AthletesCAN?

I believe AthletesCAN has the potential to be a dominant leader in athlete representation, through educational opportunities, leadership development training, and being a unified and centralized voice. Additionally, I see AthletesCAN continuing their work on safe sport, but focusing on equity-deserving groups who are more vulnerable to harm. I see AthletesCAN growing their capacity to continue addressing systemic issues within the Canadian Sport System, while also extending their 1-1 support to athletes.

What specific and/or special skills do you have to offer AthletesCAN and its members?/

What leadership and management experience do you bring to the organization?

  • Relationship Building: This has been demonstrated in the past few years by building strong relationships with the Minister of Sport, Sport Canada, & Sport Partners, which has allowed us to push for policy change and implementation of stronger safe sport measures
  • Leadership: I believe my leadership skills have contributed to hiring and sustaining a strong staff at AthletesCAN that has been able to accomplish incredible things in the past few years
  • Data Analytics: My Ph.D. training allows me to effectively analyze and communicate important data within the Canadian sport system to build a platform for critical changes.

Discuss your relevant athlete or volunteer experience

I have been on the Board of AthletesCAN for the past three years (one term) and have been appointed President of the organization for the last two years.

What are your current volunteer commitments?

AthletesCAN, no others at the moment.

Discuss your relevant business leadership / management experience

  • Management Experience: As president, I manage the day to day of two direct employees and am responsible for a total of four employees.
  • Business Experience: Account Executive at Shutterstock for five years managing a $2.2 Million book of business
  • Education: Completing Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in Safe Sport
Jennifer Casson

Jennifer Casson (She/Her)

Sport: Rowing
Senior National Team Athlete

Current Sport System Roles

AthletesCAN Leadership Committee
Classroom Champions Athlete Mentor
Voices in Sport Athlete Mentor

Why are you running for AthletesCAN’s Board of Directors?

As I am currently on the Leadership Committee, I have part of the continued growth that AthletesCAN is undergoing to further their inclusivity, athlete-driven mission, and united vision for all Canadian athletes. The AthletesCAN vision excites me for what is possible given the reach and audience that AthletesCAN already has and can authentically develop.

My goal is to be involved both in and out of competition. Leading up to Paris, I think being on the Board will serve me well and be a valuable use of my time and energy, ideally benefitting my teammates and their respective environments. Following the 2024 Games, although I am retiring from rowing, my interest in sports will shift from an active member to an alumni, looking to better sports organizations, and helping to create more accessible pathways for Canadian athlete success. I believe that AthletesCAN is the correct avenue to have an impact on sports in Canada.

What is your vision for AthletesCAN?

My vision consists of providing resources and information for aspiring and current athletes competing for Canada at national and Olympic levels. I see AthletesCAN as the ultimate resource to provide athletes with information regarding their rights, and responsibilities, and provide them with access to resources. I do not believe that individual sports organizations within Canada do all that is needed to develop leaders.

I believe AthelesCAN can help athletes foster their own communities. These communities will reflect the hard work and dedication athletes continue to put into their sport. This influence could directly benefit Canadian sports enthusiasts, supporters, and future athletes. I believe there is much to be done to best create a united Canadian athlete front, however, I believe it can be done.

Additionally, athletes do not always have a voice within their organization. Athletes can oftentimes feel powerless and/or replaceable. Through first-hand experience, I understand the importance of representation and care for the overall athlete experience, both during and after sport. I want to help harness better cultures, communities, and environments for Canadian athletes. I know that being on the AthletesCAN board will play an integral role in doing so.

What specific or special skills do you have to offer AthletesCAN and its members?

With a focus on giving back to my communities, I have become as involved as my time allows. I have learned to manage my time and energy to allocate the needed amount of attention to the commitments I have made. I am bilingual in French and have used this skill to work with organizations (Classroom Champions) to provide resources for classrooms in both French and English. Through my creation of an EDI business proposal for the NextGen Legacy Fund to Sailing B.C, I understand first-hand the value of a collaborative approach to the inclusion of diverse information, resources, and languages. I am also aware of the limits of my own knowledge and understanding of what is needed to best benefit everyone. It is for that reason that all decision-making and/or governing body boards should include a variety of athletes with a variety of backgrounds. All of which need to be accessible, applicable, and equitable to everyone.

I will make my commitment to the AthletesCAN Board a top priority alongside my training for the Paris 2024 Olympics. My skills of teamwork, leadership, commitment, and a task-oriented work ethic will help this all-important Olympic year to be all-important for AthletesCAN as well. I hope to use the lead-up to the Olympic Games to promote and embody the AthleteCAN vision and mission by supporting my fellow Canadian athletes in training, qualifying, and heading to Paris.

Discuss your relevant athlete or volunteer experience

AthletesCAN – Leadership Committee: Committed to working alongside AthleteCAN staff and volunteers to fulfill ongoing the roles and responsibilities of the leadership committee. Currently working to create an online hub of resources for Canadian athletes to have access to all information that could and/or should pertain to them. Helping to evolve AthletesCAN to better meet the needs for all athletes. 

CHICA (Corrigan Horseshoe Island Community Association) (Not-for-profit) – Board Co-President: Works as a co-president to oversee the appropriate usage and following of by-laws and community regulations to keep the peace among members. I lead and communicate news, information, votes and discussion forums to ensure that all voices are heard and represented equally.

Classroom Champions – Athlete Mentor: Working with Classroom Champions to encourage, educate, and lead young students in discovering and developing essential life skills. The lessons focus on ways to best overcome any challenges we may face. While sharing my own experiences for growth opportunities, I lead by example. In our curriculum, we cover a variety of topics which include our emotions, perseverance, leadership, community, goal setting, teamwork, healthy living, and feedback.

BC Sailing NextGen Legacy Fund – Business Plan Developer: Through research and analysis, I developed an equitable, diverse, and inclusive proposal for the development and distribution of the NextGen Legacy Fund. This proposal includes benchmarks and recommendations designed to assist the commitment of BC Sailing and Sail Canada to their equity, diversity, and inclusion goals. The implementation of the recommendations made was designed to target and help youth dinghy sailors (training in British Columbia) with financial, personal, and long-term support as well as attracting a more diverse group of youth sailors. Additionally, the NextGen Legacy Fund helped to identify areas where BC Sailing and Sail Canada could create more accessibility for young dinghy sailors and provided opportunities and suggestions on how to create change.

What are your current volunteer commitments

  • AthletesCAN- leadership Committee
  • Classroom Champions- Athlete Mentor
  • Voice in Sport – Athlete Mentor

Discuss your relevant business leadership/management experience

Since 2018, I have worked with businesses to foster mutually beneficial relationships. I have experience in sponsorships and partnerships with businesses that range in size, service and target demographic. Through partnerships with large national and international companies such as Oasis Juice, Burnbrae Farms and Island Gold Farms, I have developed a unique understanding of how to write professional emails, engage in contract negotiations and meet in person and on Zoom routinely to maintain relationships.

I have shown leadership and initiative in reaching out to businesses and developing long-term, beneficial relationships for both myself and my team. Over the years of partnerships, I have developed an in-depth understanding of how to word conversations to mutually benefit myself and the involved business or partner. All businesses that I work with are those of which I am proud to be associated with. The brands I have developed a relationship with have resulted in great mutual respect for one another and secured long-term agreements on expectations and benchmarks. As a sponsored athlete, I understand the importance of being an active communicator, responding quickly and continuing to communicate at an efficient (yet respectful) pace. I look forward to meeting and working with others, learning from others and listening to opinions that are different or more knowledgeable than mine.

In my schooling, I am in the process of completing my employment relations certificate. In these courses, we have covered topics such as conflict management, employment law, workplace policies and governance, advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace and human resource management.

With the combination of classes I have taken and business relations I currently have, I feel confident in the continuation of my management skill-set and believe that I could bring the skills I now have to the AthleteCAN board and continue to develop my portfolio of experience.

Julian Smith

Julian Smith (He/Him)

Sport: Cross Country Skiing
Senior National Team Athlete

Current Sport System Roles

Nordiq Canada Athlete Representative

Why are you running for AthletesCAN’s Board of Directors?

I believe that as athletes, we depend on sport systems to allow us to do what we love, and in return, athletes should do what is in our power to leave sport in a better place than we found it. Boards can be the source of positive change, and I would like my drive for positive change to reach outside of my sport and into the systemic and overarching sport system of Canada that AthletesCAN represents.

What is your vision for AthletesCAN?

My vision for AthletesCAN is threefold. 1. For AthletesCAN to be known and understood by all Canadian athletes. 2. For AthletesCAN to host more in-person events for athletes, from different sports and backgrounds, to interact and better understand one another. And 3. For the topics, policies and stances that AthletesCAN fights for to be frontier topics, the meaningful, difficult and vulnerable parts of sport that make a genuine difference to the future of sport in Canada.

What specific or special skills do you have to offer AthletesCAN and its members?

I bring board experience, communication skills and passion to AthletesCAN and its members. I have already sat on both operational and governance boards and feel comfortable with the workings of how boards function so I will be able to join as a productive and functional board member. I find communication fascinating, in particular group communication and how to do it well. I enjoy public speaking and love a meaningful conversation which I believe are both pertinent to sharing an organization’s message. Even when speaking to a crowd, communication is moving two ways and I want to help get AthletesCAN’s message out there. I am also bilingual in French and English which allows me the opportunity to interact with anglo and franco-phones more comfortably.

Discuss your relevant athlete or volunteer experience

I have represented Canada in nordic skiing at World Juniors, U23 and Senior World Championships, I have been on the National Team and am fighting with everything I have to get back there. I ski for the National Team Development Centre Thunder Bay, where I was the athlete rep on the board for five years. I also volunteer in the Community of Thunder Bay at a Not-for-Profit called The Urban Abbey, and most recently I was elected to the Nordiq Canada Board.

What are your current volunteer commitments

I currently volunteer for three organizations: the National Team Development Centre Thunder Bay, Nordiq Canada, and The Urban Abbey. I commit 2 hours/week to NTDC, monthly board and committee meetings and emails as needed for Nordiq Canada and one four-hour shift per week at The Habit (Part of The Urban Abbey).

Discuss your relevant business leadership/management experience

I am observing, learning and soaking in a huge amount of new info with my position on the Nordiq Canada Board, most significantly regarding governance and policy, listening to others and creating a positive sense of culture and productivity on a board. Prior to this, I have managed team clothing for my team, from design, ordering, inter-organization communication and payment for three years where I learnt about negotiation, maintaining timing communication and altering communication styles depending on the situation. I am also currently taking a course, led by Brown Dog Consulting, on board governance which has been very insightful and helpful during onboarding.

Kaitlyn Clark

Kaitlyn Clark (She/Her)

Sport: Boxing
Retired Athlete (Less than eight years)

Why are you running for AthletesCAN’s Board of Directors?

Simply put, AthleteCAN changed my life. When I first made the National Team in 2019, I attended Forum and my mind was opened. Having experienced significant abuse as an athlete, after attending Forum, meeting the Board of AthletesCAN, and being educated on the resources and support it offers, I found my voice and was able to speak up about my experiences in hopes of helping other athletes in the future.

I believe in the vision and mandate of AthletesCAN and I know that my skills, experience, knowledge relating to policy, and drive and desire for continued learning will bring benefit to the organization and former, current, and future Canadian National Team Athletes. 

What is your vision for AthletesCAN?

I would like everyone, former, current, and future National Team athletes in every sport, para, and able-bodied, to know about and be involved with AthletesCAN. Currently, a large number of athletes are aware of the organization as well as the benefits and resources AthletesCAN provides, however there are plenty of athletes who are not aware; therefore, it is imperative to increase visibility and strengthen the collaboration between all stakeholders in the Canadian Sport landscape. I believe this is a gap that, when tightened, will lead to a healthier, more inclusive sport environment in Canada.

What specific or special skills do you have to offer AthletesCAN and its members?

Through both my education and professional experience, I have knowledge and skills in financial planning and management, organization, communication, and policy. I worked for the Canadian government for nearly five years in an adjudication and evaluation role, as well as in program design – this has led me to have a thorough understanding of funding models, policy, and the Federal Government’s requirements for funding. In terms of my athletic experience, I was the Athlete Rep for Boxing Canada from 2019 – 2021. During this time, I sat in on and contributed during meetings with decision makers and provided valued input from the athletes. Personally, I chose to put my athletic career on hold in 2022 and file a formal safe sport complaint through my PSO. During the process, I was not able to compete in my sport and also had to navigate through a broken system where policy wasn’t followed for more than 18 months. During this time, I leveraged AthletesCAN and the Sport Solution Clinic. Therefore, I believe my first-hand knowledge of experiencing and navigating a broken complaint management system can help athletes in the future.

Discuss your relevant athlete or volunteer experience

I was the Athlete Rep for Boxing Canada from 2019 – 2021. Prior to that I was the Team Ontario Captain for Boxing Ontario in 2019, and was also the Team Manager for Team Ontario at the 2020 Canadian Olympic Trials. During each of these roles, I managed communication between stakeholders within the organization, provided reports to each organization regarding performance in and out of the ring, and assisted in building evaluation criteria for athletes.

What are your current volunteer commitments

Currently, I volunteer as a competitive boxing coach for my local boxing gym, where I train and take athletes to competitions and coach them during fights.

Discuss your relevant business leadership/management experience

In 2019, I left my job in the government and chose to branch out on my own as both a tutor and a boxing coach. I took a leap of faith in my own abilities and have built myself a stable roster of clients for both tutoring and boxing. I am responsible for scheduling clients, keeping a file on each client that contains their progress towards their goals as well as a plan to accomplish them (a roadmap to success), and financial management (taxes, financial documents, etc.). At SydFIT (the gym I work at), I have spearheaded youth summer camps, including advertising, program design, and structure, as well as training other coaches to facilitate the camps. I am also in the midst of creating a Masters (35-year +) competitive boxing program for the gym, which will kick off with a tournament in Las Vegas in February 2025.

Susanne Wereley

Susanne Wereley (Grainger) (She/Her)

Sport: Rowing
Retired Athlete (Less than eight years)

Current Sport System Roles

Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) National Team Alumni Association Committee
Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) Campaign Coordinator

Why are you running for AthletesCAN’s Board of Directors?

I’m motivated to run for a position on the AthletesCAN Board of Directors because I’ve seen firsthand the repercussions of athletes being unaware of the resources that are available to them, as well as the positive impact of safe sport practices. I want to enhance the understanding that athletes, from the very beginning of their careers, should be equipped with the knowledge of the resources at their disposal. As a new mom, I want to ensure that the next generation of athletes, including my daughter, doesn’t have to endure a negative experience to discover that there are support systems in place for them and that they have a voice on their athletic journey.

What is your vision for AthletesCAN?

My vision for AthletesCAN is to foster a sport culture of inclusivity, empowerment, and athlete-centered decision-making, where athletes can pursue their goals with confidence, knowing that they have the backing of an organization committed to their well-being and success. Having observed the tangible effects a supportive culture can make, both on an individual and performance level, I want to make a difference in the lives of athletes by contributing to AthletesCAN’s mission to empower, educate, and support athletes throughout their journey.

What specific or special skills do you have to offer AthletesCAN and its members?

I bring valuable problem-solving and conciliatory skills to the table, which I believe will greatly benefit AthletesCAN and its members. I’m confident in effectively analyzing complex issues and identifying practical solutions in a dynamic and often challenging sports environment. I also have a strong ability to bridge gaps and foster consensus among diverse groups, with specific experience in bringing together athletes and NSOs.

Discuss your relevant athlete or volunteer experience

I have extensive athlete experience to bring to the AthletesCAN Board of Directors, having dedicated 17 years to the sport of rowing. During my athletic career, I had the privilege of representing Canada on the Senior National Team for eight years and at two Olympic Games, but my rowing experience has been multifaceted, spanning various levels including the NCAA collegiate level, U23, and senior competitions. Throughout my career, I’ve achieved significant success, notably as an Olympic gold medalist at the 2020 Tokyo Games. In addition to my Olympic accolades, I’ve earned multiple medals at World Championships, reflecting my consistent performance and competitiveness at the highest level.

Furthermore, I understand the critical importance of safe sport policies and practices, having both witnessed and experienced their impact as an athlete firsthand. This background equips me with valuable insights into the challenges and requirements of creating a safe, empowering, and inclusive environment for athletes.

With my extensive experience as a competitive athlete and my commitment to the principles of safe sport, I’m well-prepared to contribute to the work of bridging the gap between athlete voices and the NSOs.

What are your current volunteer commitments

I serve on the Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) National Team Alumni Association Committee, where my primary focus is bridging the gap between RCA’s current programming and its alumni. This commitment involves monthly meetings that last approximately one hour each. Depending on the month and specific tasks, my monthly commitment typically amounts to a maximum of around three hours.

I’m also dedicated to tutoring and mentoring a female high school student from my hometown. I work with her for two hours each week, providing guidance, support, and educational assistance.

Discuss your relevant business leadership/management experience

My relevant business leadership experience revolves around two key roles:

Upon retiring from sport, I began working with CANFund #150Women as the Director of Operations. In this role, I worked closely with senior leadership and the non-profit’s founder to oversee operations aimed at supporting female athletes who represent Canada on the world stage. I provided strategic advice and direction for the overall organization, helping shape its mission and vision. Furthermore, I played an integral role in designing campaigns geared towards rallying support for these remarkable athletes, ensuring they had the resources needed to excel in their respective sports.

While on maternity leave, I began working with Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) as their Campaign Coordinator, and have continued in this position following the end of my leave. In this role, I work closely with the organization to bolster athlete support and create transparency in the fundraising processes. I serve as a liaison between local business sponsors and RCA, fostering meaningful community connections, as well as help create avenues for open communication between athletes and RCA staff.

My experiences in these leadership positions have equipped me with the skills to collaborate with stakeholders, develop strategies, and facilitate meaningful connections between athletes, donors, and organizations, ultimately supporting the growth and success of athletes on their journey to represent Canada on the world stage.