
Abuse-Free Sport: Canada’s inaugural Sport Integrity Commissioner stepping down

Sarah-Ève Pelletier

MONTRÉAL – Sarah-Ève Pelletier, Canada’s inaugural Sport Integrity Commissioner, will be stepping down from the role in early 2024.

Commissioner Pelletier’s difficult but personal decision follows a successful launch and first 18 operational months of Abuse-Free Sport, Canada’s first-ever independent safe sport program.

“As Sport Integrity Commissioner, I have been driven by a deep motivation to act as an agent of positive change for the Canadian sport community — with athletes at the very heart of it. Since taking on this role, my passion for this mission has never wavered. I am proud of the groundwork accomplished within the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC). I am certain that it will serve as a springboard for the Abuse-Free Sport program’s evolution, one that can only be beneficial to the advancement of safe sport for all.”

Sarah-Ève Pelletier