
Athlete Information Session on Independent safe sport mechanism launch to be held Thursday


The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) will be hosting an Athlete Information Session to outline Phase 1 on the implementation of the Independent safe sport mechanism on Thursday, May 26 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.  The session will be supported by AthletesCAN, the Canadian Olympic Committee Athletes’ Commission (COC AC) and the Canadian Paralympic Committee Athletes’ Council (CPC AC).

The Athlete Information Session is being held in advance of the preliminary launch of the Office of Canada’s Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), currently scheduled for June 20.

National Team athletes are encouraged to check their email or contact AthletesCAN, the SDRCC,  the COC AC or CPC AC for further details regarding the event.

About AthletesCAN

AthletesCAN, the association of Canada’s national team athletes, is the only fully independent and most inclusive athlete organization in the country and the first organization of its kind in the world.  As the voice of Canadian national team athletes, AthletesCAN ensures an athlete-centered sport system by developing athlete leaders who influence sport policy and, as role models, inspire a strong sport culture. Follow us on social @AthletesCAN and Join #TheCollective today.

About the SDRCC

The SDRCC is a not-for-profit corporation created by federal legislation and funded by the Government of Canada. The mission of the SDRCC is to provide the sport community with a national alternative dispute resolution service and strengthen the culture of fairness in Canadian sport by resolving disputes quickly and efficiently and to provide expertise and assistance regarding alternative dispute resolution. The SDRCC is also mandated by the Government of Canada to implement an independent safe sport mechanism at the national level. 

About the COC Athletes' Commission

The COC Athletes’ Commission represents the voice of Canadian Olympic athletes to the Canadian Olympic Committee Board of Directors, to Sport Canada, to the International Olympic Committee, international sport federations and all other domestic sport organizations. It is instrumental in presenting Canadian athletes’ perspectives in areas ranging from athlete rights, safe sport policies, marketing & COC partnership agreements, Olympic team selection policies and much more.

About the CPC Athletes' Council

The CPC Athletes’ Council is an elected group of current and retired Paralympic athletes (within the past eight years) that serve as the collective voice, advocating the best interests of Canada’s Paralympic athletes and the Paralympic movement within Canada. The Athletes’ Council works to provide input and recommendations from an athlete perspective to the Canadian Paralympic Committee staff, committees and Board of a Directors with respect to decision making at all levels of the organization.

For mor information, please contact:

Alan Hudes
Manager, Communications and Sport Partnerships
613-526-4025 Ext. 224
[email protected]

Marie-Claude Asselin
Chief Executive Officer
Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada
[email protected] 

COC Athletes’ Commision
[email protected]

CPC Athletes’ Council
[email protected] 